as easy as 1, 2, 3
EMBER Resistant
Making your home resistant to wildfire events can be confusing and unnecessarily expensive to the average person. Our company has the experience needed to harden your home in the most cost effective way.
Ember Resistant categories are:
Class A Fire Rated Roof - most roofs qualify - except Wood Shake Shingles.
Ember & Fire Resistant Vents - we can replace your existing vents easily and cost effectively with spark arresting vents specifically designed to prevent fire intrusion.
Is your current siding old T-111 or some other material that would easily catch fire? We can remove and replace your T-111 with cost effective Wildland Urban Interface approved materials, whether Smart Side, Cementitious, or Metal. We can improve your insulation at the same time if requested.
Decks can be improved a number of ways to prevent embers infiltrating the area.
Eaves in Wildland Urban Interface areas should be enclosed. We can design and install soffits with the correct materials to make these safer. We can also add or improve lighting in this area as well.
Windows can be upgraded to multi-paned or shutters can be added.
Defensible Space
Clearing areas and creating defensible space can go beyond tree trimming. Let us help you remove material and clear the area to prepare your home site for the best defense.
CONTACT US for a consultation and quote. Our firm is a licensed Architect and General Contractor. We can create the plans, secure the permits and perform the work.